Education & Research

Khalifa University – Data Intelligence Platform

We partnered with the University to help them capture, analyse and visualise that data in a way that would allow the team to find real insight into the data from an ongoing international research study.

Data Science
Training Needs Analysis

The Challenge

Khalifa University, in collaboration with international partners, is leading an ongoing research study into the Impact of Burnout on Cardiovascular and Immune Biomarkers in Healthcare Professionals in relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UAE. The study would see them collecting large amounts of data and the University team needed a partner who could help them capture, analyse and visualise that data in a way that would allow the team to find real insight into the stories in the data.

The Solution

Myriad were asked to participate in the project developing an overall approach to the surveying method, data capture from tablets, mobiles and wearable devices, and a dashboard to portray results and enable analysis.

The solution needed to be easy to use so the University team could manage as much of the ongoing use themselves but also powerful enough to help the team analyse large, complex data sets.

We wanted the data collection to be the perfect balance between detailed and frictionless for the end user. By leveraging smart watches and smart phones we were able to gather data from devices that the study participants would be happy to use every day. The connectivity between these devices and our platform was seamless so we had a live feed of good quality data always ready for the research team to analyse.

Myriad provided a comprehensive solution and continues to support the University team as the study progresses and helps protect Healthcare workers suffering from COVID-19.

The Impact

The research team have been able to spend more time on analysing the data than usual as the Myriad built platform has streamlined the data collection and visualisation process. This is allowing the specialists at the University to focus on identifying crucial insight from the research and on solutions for the frontline healthcare workers being impacted by COVID-19.

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