
BT – ‘Engine Ear’ Podcast Series

Production of a series of podcasts ensure the 1,600 exchange engineers that work remotely across the UK are kept informed and engaged with key business issues and changes.

Internal Communications

BT’s Exchange Engineering Services (EES) team consists of approximately 1,600 members, most of whom are engineers that work remotely across the UK. BT feel it is essential that their exchange engineers are kept informed and engaged with key business issues and changes, and therefore have commissioned Myriad Global Media to produce a series of short podcasts to address this.

BT have seen an impressive take-up of listener numbers; the second show was the stand out performer achieving over 1,300 listeners out of a total target audience of 1,600, over a 80% take-up rate of the total target audience. The audience appreciate the informal and playful tone of the programmes and the way that subsequent programmes allow for two-way engagement to occur between EES team members.

This series won an Award for Excellence at the Institute of Internal Communications Awards 2015.